Sunday, February 12, 2012


Turns out that my cake was a success!!! -well, as much as an ugly cheesecake can be.  Although I am TERRIBLY impatient and took it out of the oven before I was supposed to, it tasted FAN-FRIGGIN-TASTIC.  No one believed that I could make something from scratch [hell... neither did I] but I did and we ate it all.  I cut the recipe in half because it called for 4 boxes of cream cheese and I only had one box and one can of whipped.  I was really surprised how easy it was!  Score 1 for the Dish :]

I got the recipe from and ONLY forgot one tiny tiny tiny TINNNY ingredient.  Oops.  I forgot to put the vanilla extract in - but you could not tell.  SO for anyone that cannot cook [like me] I recommend this recipe.  Almost fool-proof.

Here is the recipe and link:

  • 15 graham crackers, crushed
  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 4 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese
  • 1 1/2 cups white sugar
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 9 inch springform pan.
  2. In a medium bowl, mix graham cracker crumbs with melted butter. Press onto bottom of springform pan.
  3. In a large bowl, mix cream cheese with sugar until smooth. Blend in milk, and then mix in the eggs one at a time, mixing just enough to incorporate. Mix in sour cream, vanilla and flour until smooth. Pour filling into prepared crust.
  4. Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour. Turn the oven off, and let cake cool in oven with the door closed for 5 to 6 hours

    Kudos to you, Chantal. You know how to bake a cheesecake.
    I was going to post pics but let's just say that it looked like the Grand Canyon down the middle. Next time I will listen when it says to leave it in the oven so it does NOT crack. Ah well.

    NOW let's see what I can destroy for VD day [yes - VD day. I have always called it that] :]
    this prevents cracking. Chill in refrigerator until serving.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Welp, here it is. And the cake disaster.

Yay.  I have decided with the extent of time I have on my hands until August, that it might be time for me to start a blog.  I am planning on putting some tutorials, DIY, pics, and links to my favorite sites.  Aren't you EXCITED!?!? if not, you should be  Well, we will see how it goes.

For now, E and I are waiting on the husband to get home from work.  It is his 30th birthday - YEA, OLD MAN!  He doesn't appreciate me making old man jokes.  I don't think he really likes it either when I tell him I am gonna trade him in for a younger version.  YES that might traditionally be a man's joke that one might tell his old lady but guess what _that. is. how. I. roll.

The cake was a disaster.  I didn't realize until too late that I had no gift [yes as in I FORGOT] so I made a cheesecake.  MIND YOU I have never ever never made a cake.  Well, it tasted fine when I was mixing it even though I forgot to put the vanilla extract in.... mistake number 1.  THEN  I forgot that we had no graham crackers [who buys GRAHAM CRACKERS at the store anyway - they don't taste that great... maybe people who know how to bake....]  Sooooo I used Cinammon Toast Crunch cereal, cocoa, and butter for my crust.  It is ok.  Mistake number 2.  Then when I took it out of the oven to write a "30" on it - it cracked.  Mistake number 3.  And 3 mistakes is where I throw in the towel.

I will post a picture tomorrow AND the recipe if the hubby thinks that the innerds taste ok.  Innerds. HA!

It must be time for me to stop blogging now.  E [who will be 4 in April] just asked if she can have a BABY and my pomeranian is passing some mad cheesy gas.